
Vladimir Asriyan
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: University of California, Berkeley
Office: 23.408
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 28 27
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Finance, Information Economics and Macroeconomics
Fernando Broner
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
Office: 23.305
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2601
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomics and International Economics
Luca Fornaro
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
Office: 23.306
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2619
Research Interests:
  • International Economics and Monetary Economics
Jordi Galí
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor)
Office: 23.303
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2754
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomic Theory and Monetary Economics
Mishel Ghassibe
(CREI Junior Researcher)
PhD: University of Oxford
Office: 23.412
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1547
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomics, Production Networks, Monetary Economics and Fiscal Policy
Elisa Giannone
(CREI Junior Researcher, Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: University of Chicago
Office: 23.307
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2732
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Devopment Economics, Economic Growth, International Trade, Macroeconomics, Regional Economics
Albert Marcet
(ICREA Research Professor at CREI, Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor, AXA Chair and UPF Adjunct Professor)
PhD: University of Minnesota
Office: 23.413
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 15 25
Research Interests:
  • Financial Economics, Econometrics, Information Economics, Fiscal Policy and Macroeconomics
Alberto Martin
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor)
PhD: Columbia University
Office: 23.409
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2708
Research Interests:
  • Financial Markets, International Economics and Macroeconomic Theory
Dávid Krisztián Nagy
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: Princeton
Office: 23.309
Tel.: +34 (93) 542 2760
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Economic Geography and International Trade,
Giacomo Ponzetto
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: Harvard
Office: 23.410
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2829
Research Interests:
  • Applied Micro, Financial Economics, International Economics and, Economic Geography and Urban Economics
Hugo Reichardt
(CREI Junior Researcher)
Office: 23.304
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2562
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomics, Economic History
Edouard Schaal
(ICREA Research Professor at CREI, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: Princeton
Office: 23.407
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2765
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Business cycle, Information frictions, Labor Markets, Macroeconomics and Search and matching
Victoria Vanasco
(CREI Senior Researcher, UPF Adjunct Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: University of California Berkeley
Office: 23.308
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2598
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Corporate Finance, Games with Asymmetric Information, Macrofinance, Mechanism Design and Security Design
Jaume Ventura
(CREI Director and Senior Researcher, UPF Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor)
PhD: Harvard University
Office: 23.312
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1765
Research Interests:
  • International Economics and Macroeconomics

Associate Researchers

Isaac Baley
(CREI Associate Researcher, UPF Assistant Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
Office: 20.161 (Jaume i Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2506
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Information, International, Labor, Macroeconomics
Andrea Caggese
(CREI Associate Researcher, UPF Associate Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated professor)
PhD: London School of Economics
Office: 20.159 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 2395
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Applied and Quantitative Macroeconomics, Business Cycles and Macroeconomics
Davide Debortoli
(CREI Associate Researcher, ICREA Research Professor at UPF and Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor)
PhD: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Office: 20.165 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1657
Research Interests:
  • Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy
Jan Eeckhout
(CREI Associate Researcher, ICREA Research Professor at UPF and Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor)
PhD: London School of Economics
Office: 20.203
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1748
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Labor Markets, Market Power and Urban Economics
Teresa Garcia-Milà
(CREI Associate Researcher, UPF Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Director)
PhD: University of Minnesota
Office: 20.211 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1749
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomics, Applied Microeconomics and, Economic Geography and Urban Economics
Manuel García-Santana (on leave)
(CREI Associate Researcher, UPF Associate Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
Office: 20.167 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1697
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomics and, Trade, Growth and Development
Priit Jeenas
(CREI Associate Researcher, Assistant Professor at UPF and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: New York University
Office: 20.1E58 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1112
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics and Financial Economics
Ramon Marimon
(CREI Associate Researcher, Professor Emeritus of Economics at the European University Institute (EUI), Emeritus Research Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE))
PhD: Northwestern University
Research Interests:
  • Macroeconomics, Debt & Monetary Theory, Learning Theory, Labour Theory and Contract Theory
Geert Mesters
(CREI Associate Researcher, UPF Associate Professor and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: Vrije University Amsterdam
Office: 20.1E80 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1181
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Applied Macroeconomics, Econometrics and Statistics
Martí Mestieri
(CREI Associate Researcher and UPF Professor)
Office: 20.2E14 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1669
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • Economic Growth, International Trade, and Macroeconomic Aspects of Economic Development
Joan Monràs
(CREI Associate Researcher, Associate Professor at UPF and Barcelona School of Economics Affiliated Professor)
PhD: Columbia University
Office: 20.169 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: +34 93 542 1681
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • International Economics, Labor Economics, and Economic Geography and Urban Economics
Barbara Rossi
(CREI Associate Researcher, ICREA Professor at UPF and Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor)
PhD: Princeton University
Office: 20.207 (Jaume I Building)
Tel.: (+34) 93 542 1655
Personal website
Research Interests:
  • International Economics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics

Former Visiting Researchers