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Unites States ,
T. McGuire
Fiscal Federalism: Comparative Experiences and Challenges, Forum of Federations, Ottawa, Canada, forthcoming
Tobin meets Oates: Solidarity and the Optimal Fiscal Federal Structure (with X. Calsamiglia and T. McGuire)
International Tax and Public Finance, 20 (3), 2013, 450-473
Fiscal Decentralization in Spain: An Asymmetric Transition to Democracy
In Subsidiarity and Solidarity: The Role of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Maintaining an Effective State in Diverse Countries, Richard Bird and Robert Ebel editors, Edward Elgar, 2007, 208-223
Fiscal Federalism and Regional Integration: Lessons from Spain
In Federalismo e Integraçao Economica Regional. Desafios para o Mercosul, The Forum of Federations, 2004, 125-151
Solidarity and Fiscal Decentralization (with T. McGuire)
Proceedings – 96th Annual Conference on Taxation, Chicago, Illinois, November 13-15, 2003. Washington DC: National Tax Association, 2004, 152-156
Tax Incentives and the City (with T. McGuire)
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, William G. Gale and Janet Rothenberg Pack editors, 1, 2002, 95-132
Do Interregional Transfers Improve the Economic Performance of Poor Regions? The Case of Spain (with T. McGuire)
International Tax and Public Finance, 8 (3), 2001, 281-295
A Note on the Shift to a Sevices-based Economy and the Consequences for Regional Growth (with T. McGuire)
Journal of Regional Science, 38 (2), 1998, 353-363
The Effect of Public Capital in State-Level Production Functions Reconsidered (with T. McGuire and R. Porter)
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 78 (1), 1996, 177-180
Industrial Mix as a Factor in the Growth and Variability of States’ Economies (with T. McGuire)
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 23 (6), 1993, 731-748
The Contribution of Publicly Provided Inputs to States’ Economies (with T. McGuire)
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 22 (2), 1992, 229-241
The Effects of Central Government Financing on Regional Government Expenditures in Spain (with T. McGuire)
In Public Finance at Several Levels of Government, Rémy Prud’homme editor, Foundation of Public Finance, The Hague-Koenigstein, 1991, 223-234
Un modelo dinámico con capital público y su estimación por simulación
Investigaciones Económicas, 14 (3), 1990, 369-383
Some Empirical Evidence on Government Purchase Multipliers
Published in Economic Letters, 31 (4), 1989, 375-380