Broner, F., A. Martin, C. Trebesch, J. Meyer and J. Zhou Wu,

"Hegemony and International Alignment"

Forthcoming in American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings, 2025
A. Abraham, E. Cárceles, R. Marimon and Y. Liu,

"On the Optimal Design of a Financial Stability Fund"

Forthcoming in The Review of Economic Studies, 2025
G. Benigno, L. Fornaro and M. Wolf,

"The Global Financial Resource Curse"

American Economic Review, 2024, 115 (1), 220-262
L. Althoff and H. Reichardt,

"Jim Crow and Black Economic Progress After Slavery"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2024, 139 (4), 2279-2330
Galí, J. and D. Debortoli,

"Idiosyncratic Income Risk and Aggregate Fluctuations"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2024, 16(4), 279–310
Nagy, D., C. Ducruet, R. Juhász and C. Steinwender,

"All Aboard: The Effects of Port Development"

Journal of International Economics, 2024, Volume 151, 103963
Asriyan, V., L. Laeven, A. Martin, A. Van der Ghote and V. Vanasco,

"Falling Interest Rates and Credit Reallocation: Lessons from General Equilibrium"

Forthcoming in The Review of Economic Studies, 2024


Previously circulated as “Falling Interest Rates and Credit Misallocation: Lessons from General Equilibrium”

Baley, I., Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent,

"Returns to labour mobility"

The Economic Journal, 2024, 135, 430–454
Ponzetto, G. and U. Troiano,

"Social Capital, Government Expenditures, and Growth"

Forthcoming in Journal of the European Economic Association, 2024
Asriyan, V. and V. Vanasco,

"Security Design in Non-Exclusive Markets with Asymmetric Information"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2024, 91(2), 690–719
Galí, J., R. Billi and A. Nakov,

"Optimal Monetary Policy with r*< 0"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2024, 142, article 103518
Jeenas, P. and R. Lagos,

"Q-Monetary Transmission"

Journal of Political Economy, 2024, 132 (3), 971-1012
J. Díaz-Saavedra, R. Marimon and J. Brogueira de Sousa,

"A Worker’s Backpack as Alternative to the Spanish PAYG Pension System"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2023, 21 (5), 1944-1993
G. Callegari, R. Marimon, A. Wicht and L. Zavalloni,

"On a Lender of Last Resort with a Central Bank and a Stability Fund"

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2023, 50, 106-130
Y. Liu, R. Marimon and A. Wicht,

"Making Sovereign Debt Safe with a Financial Stability Fund"

Journal of International Economics, 2023, 145, article 103834
Baley, I., Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas Sargent,

"Cross-Phenomenon Restrictions: Unemployment Effects of Layoff Costs and Quit Turbulence"

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2023, 50, 43-60
Á. Ábrahám, J. Brogueira de Sousa, R. Marimon and L. Mayr,

"On the Design of a European Unemployment Insurance System"

European Economic Review, 2023, 156, article 104469
Schaal, E. and Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel,

"Herding through booms and busts*"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2023, 210, article 105669
Fornaro, L. and M. Wolf,

"The Scars of Supply Shocks"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2023, 140, 18-36
M. Santamaría, J. Ventura and U. Yeşilbayraktar,

"Exploring European Regional Trade"

Journal of International Economics, 2023, 146, article 103747
Nagy, D.,

"Hinterlands, city formation and growth: Evidence from the U.S. westward expansion"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2023, 90(6), 3238-3281

Supplementary material

Asriyan, V., D. Foarta and V. Vanasco,

"The Good, the Bad and the Complex: Product Design with Imperfect Information"

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2023, 15(2), 187–226
K. Greulich, S. Laczó and A. Marcet,

"Pareto-Improving Optimal Capital and Labor Taxes"

Journal of Political Economy, 2023, 131 (7), 1904-1946

Online Appendices

Baley, I., Ana Figueiredo and Robert Ulbricht,

"Mismatch Cycles"

Journal of Political Economy, 2022, 130/11
Baley, I. and Laura Veldkamp,

"Bayesian Learning"

Handbook of Economic Expectations, 2022, Chapter 23
G. Benigno, L. Fornaro and M. Wolf,

"Reserve Accumulation, Growth and Financial Crises"

Journal of International Economics, 2022, 139, article 103660
Ghassibe, M. and F. Zanetti,

"State Dependence of Fiscal Multipliers: The Source of Fluctuations Matters"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2022, 132, 1-23
Nagy, D.,

"Trade and Urbanization: Evidence from Hungary"

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2022, 14 (3), 733-790
Fornaro, L.,

"A Theory of Monetary Union and Financial Integration"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2022, 89 (4), 1911-1947

Previously circulated as “Monetary Union and Financial Integration”

G. Gancia, G. Ponzetto and J. Ventura,

"Globalization and Political Structure"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022, 20 (3), 1276-1310
Nagy, D.,

"Quantitative Economic Geography meets History: Questions, Answers and Challenges"

Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2022, 94, Article 103675

Online Appendix

Eeckhout, J. and X. Weng,

"Assortative Learning"

Econometrica-Centennial Issue, 2022, 89 (355), 647-688
Asriyan, V., L. Laeven and A. Martin,

"Collateral Booms and Information Depletion"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2022, 89 (2), 517–555

Read a non-technical summary in VOXEU.

Caggese, A. and A. Pérez-Orive,

"How Stimulative are Low Real Interest Rates for Intangible Capital?"

European Economic Review, 2022, 142, article 103987
Galí, J.,

"Insider-Outsider Labor Markets, Hysteresis and Monetary Policy"

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2022, 54(S1), 53-88
Giannone, E., N. Paixao and X. Pang,

"JUE Insight: The Geography of Pandemic Containment"

Journal of Urban Economics, 2022, 127, article 103373
A. Innoue and B. Rossi,

"A New Approach to Measuring Economic Policy Shocks, with an Application to Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy"

Quantitative Economics, 2021, 12 (4), 1085-1138
Ghassibe, M.,

"Monetary Policy and Production Networks: An Empirical Investigation"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021, 19, 21-39
Debortoli, D., R. Nunes and P. Yared,

"The Commitment Benefit of Consols in Government Debt Management"

American Economic Review: Insights, 2021, 4(2), 255–270

Online appendix

Galí, J., G. Giusti and C. N. Noussair,

"Monetary Policy and Asset Price Bubbles: A Laboratory Experiment"

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2021, 130, 1-15
R. Barnichon and G. Mesters,

"The Phillips Multiplier"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021, 117, 689-705
G. Gaballo and R. Marimon,

"Breaking the Spell with Credit-Easing: Self-Confirming Credit Crises in Competitive Search Economies"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021, 119, 1-20
Debortoli, D., R. Nunes and P. Yared,

"Optimal Fiscal Policy without Commitment: Revisiting Lucas-Stokey"

Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 129(5), 1640-1665

Online appendix

Caggese, A. and C. Albert,

"Cyclical Fluctuations, Financial Shocks, and the Entry of Fast-Growing Entrepreneurial Startups"

Review of Financial Studies, 2021, 34(5), 2508–2548
Eeckhout, J. and C. Hedtrich,

"Green Urbanization"

PLoS ONE, 2021, 16(11)
Marimon, R. and J. Werner,

"The Envelope Theorem, Euler and Bellman Equations, without Differentiability"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2021, 196, article 105290
Debortoli, D.,

"Comment on “Redesigning EU Fiscal Rules: From Rules to Standards” by O. Blanchard, A. Leandro and J. Zettelmeyer"

Economic Policy, 2021, 36 (106), 195-236
Galí, J., P. Andrade, H. Le Bihan and J. Matheron,

"Should the ECB Adjust its Strategy in the Face of a Lower r*?"

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2021, 132, 1-23
Julian di Giovanni, S. Kalemi-Özcan, M. Ulu and Y.S. Baskaya,

"International Spillovers and Local Credit Cycles"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2021, 89 (2), 733-773
C. Brownlees and G. Mesters,

"Detecting Granular Time Series in Large Panels"

Journal of Econometrics, 2021, 220 (2), 544-561
Schaal, E., P. Fajgelbaum, A. Khandelwal, W. Kim and C. Mantovani,

"Optimal Lockdown in a Commuting Network"

American Economic Review: Insights, 2021, 3(4), 503-522
Baley, I. and A. Blanco,

"Aggregate Dynamics in Lumpy Economies"

Econometrica, 2021, 89(3), 1235–1264
García-Santana, M., J. Pijoan-Mas and L. Villacorta,

"Investment Demand and Structural Change"

Econometrica, 2021, 89 (6), 2751-2785
Rossi, B.,

"Forecasting in the Presence of Instabilities: How We Know Whether Models Predict Well and How to Improve Them"

Journal of Economic Literature, 2021, 59 (4), 1135-1190
Martin, A., F. Broner, L. Pandolfi and T. Williams,

"Winners and Losers from Sovereign Debt Inflows"

Journal of International Economics, 2021, 130, article 103446
Nagy, D., B. Conte, K. Desmet and E. Rossi-Hansberg,

"Local Sectoral Specialization in a Warming World"

Journal of Economic Geography, 2021, 21 (2021), 493-530


Rossi, B.,

"Identifying and Estimating the Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy: How to Do It And What Have We Learned?"

The Econometrics Journal, 2021, 24 (1), C1-C32
G. Ganics, A. Inoue and B. Rossi,

"Confidence Intervals for Bias and Size Distortions in IV and Local Projections-IV Models"

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2021, 39 (1), 307-324
Asriyan, V., W. Fuchs and B. Green,

"Aggregation and Design of Information in Asset Markets with Adverse Selection"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2021, 191, 1-49
Asriyan, V.,

"Balance Sheet Channel with Information-Trading Frictions in Secondary Markets"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2021, 88(1), 44-90
Nagy, D., K. Desmet, R. Kopp, S. Kulp, M. Oppenheimer, E. Rossi-Hansberg and B. Strauss,

"Evaluating the Economic Cost of Coastal Flooding"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2021, 13(2), 444-486
E. Hauk, A. Lantieri and A. Marcet,

"Optimal Policy with General Signal Extraction"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021, 118, 54-86
Galí, J. and T. van Rens,

"The Vanishing Procyclicality of Labour Productivity"

The Economic Journal, 2021, 131(633), 302-326
Martin, A.,

"Comments on ‘The Fiscal and Monetary History of Ecuador: 1950-2015’, by S. Cueva and J. Díaz"

The Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America, 2021, University of Minnesota Press
D. Comin, D. Lashkari and M. Mestieri,

"Structural Change with Long-run Income and Price Effects"

Econometrica, 2021, 89 (1), 311-374
L. Alfaro, M. García-Santana and E. Moral-Benito,

"On the Direct and Indirect Real Effects of Credit Supply Shocks"

Journal of Financial Economics, 2021, 139 (3), 895-921
Martin, A., E. Moral-Benito and T. Schmitz,

"The Financial Transmission of Housing Booms: Evidence from Spain"

American Economic Review, 2021, 111(3), 1013-1053

Read a non-technical summary on VOXEU 

Monràs, J.,

"Local Adjustment to Immigrant-Driven Labor Supply Shocks"

Journal of Human Capital, 2021, 5 (1), 204-235

Previously circulated as “Immigration, Internal Migration, and Technology Adoption”

A. P. Behrer, E. L. Glaeser, G. Ponzetto and A. Shleifer,

"Securing Property Rights"

Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 129 (4), 1157-1192
Eeckhout, J.,

"Book Review: The Great Reversal, by Thomas Philippon"

Journal of Economic Literature, 2021, 59(4), 1340-1360
Eeckhout, J.,

"Comments on J. Azar and X. Vives Walras-Bowley Lecture: “General Equilibrium Oligopoly and Ownership Structure”"

Econometrica, 2021, 89(3), 1049-1053
Galí, J.,

"Monetary Policy and Bubbles in a New Keynesian Model with Overlapping Generations"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2021, 13(2), 121-167
Eeckhout, J.,

"Comments on “Diverging Trends in National and Local Concentration”, by E. Rossi-Hansberg, P. Sarte and N. Thatcher"

NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2021, 35
Vanasco, V., U. Malmendier and D. Pouzo,

"Investor Experiences and Financial Market Dynamics"

Journal of Financial Economics, 2020, 136(3), 597-622
Martin, A.,

"Comments on ‘Friendly fire: the trade impact of the Russia sanctions and counter-sanctions’ by M. Crozet, J. Hins"

Economic Policy, 2020, 35(101), 127-130
Galí, J.,

"Uncovered Interest Parity, Forward Guidance and the Exchange Rate"

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2020, 52(S2), 465-496
A. Inoue, C. Kuo and B. Rossi,

"Identifying the Sources of Model Misspecification"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020, 110, 1-18
R. Billi and J. Galí,

"Gains from Wage Flexibility and the Zero Lower Bound"

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2020, 82(6), 1239-1261
Debortoli, D.,

"Comments on “Boosting Fiscal Space: The Roles of GDP-Linked Debt and Longer Maturities” by J. I. Kim and J. D. Ostry"

Economic Policy, 2020, 35 (104), 587-634
T. Cooley, R. Marimon and V. Quadrini,

"Commitment in Organisations and the Competition for Talent"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2020, 87 (5), 2165-2204
Monràs, J.,

"Immigration and Wage Dynamics: Evidence from the Mexican Peso Crisis"

Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 128 (8), 3017-3089
Baley, I., L. Veldkamp and M. Waugh,

"Can Global Uncertainty Promote International Trade?"

Journal of International Economics, 2020, 126, 1-19
Martin, A.,

"Comments on ‘Why is the Euro punching below its weight?’ by E. Ilzetzki, C. Reinhart and K. Rogoff"

Economic Policy, 2020, 35(103), 405-460
Debortoli, D.,

"Comments on The Fiscal-Monetary Policy Mix in the Euro Area: Challenges at the Zero Lower Bound"

Economic Policy, 2020, 35(103), 461-517
Schaal, E. and P. Fajgelbaum,

"Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium"

Econometrica, 2020, 88 (4), 1411-1452
Caggese, A.,

"Comments on: “What Drives Aggregate Investment? Evidence from German Survey Data”"

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2020, 115, Article 103874
Vanasco, V., U. Malmendier and D. Pouzo,

"Investor Experiences and International Capital Flows"

Journal of International Economics, 2020, 124, 1-19
Vanasco, V., B. Daley and B. Green,

"Securitization, Ratings, and Credit Supply"

Journal of Finance, 2020, 75 (2), 1037-1082
R. Barnichon and G. Mesters,

"Identifying Modern Macro Equations with Old Shocks"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020, 135 (4), 2255-2298
G. Gancia, G. Ponzetto and J. Ventura,

"A Theory of Economic Unions"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020, 109, 107-127
Galí, J. and L. Gambetti,

"Has the U.S. Wage Phillips Curve Flattened? A Semi-Structural Exploration"

2020, 149-172

in G. Castex, J. Gali and D. Saravia (eds.) Changing Inflation Dynamics, Evolving Monetary Policy, Central Bank of Chile

Eeckhout, J., J. Loecker and G. Unger,

"The Rise of Market Power and the Macroeconomic Implications"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020, 135(2), 561-644 (lead article)
Eeckhout, J. and H. Chade,

"Competing Teams"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2020, 87(3), 1134-1173
García-Santana, M., E. Moral-Benito, J. Pijoan-Mas and R. Ramos,

"Growing like Spain: 1995-2007"

International Economic Review, 2020, 61 (1), 383-416
P. Andrade, J. Galí, H. Le Bihan and J. Matheron,

"The Optimal Inflation Target and the Natural Rate of Interest"

Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2020, Fall, 173-230


VOX CEPR, 1/10/2019

Galí, J.,

"The Effects of a Money-Financed Fiscal Stimulus"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020, 115, 1-19
Ventura, J.,

"Sharing a Government"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2019, 17 (6), 1723-1752
Eeckhout, J. and I. Lindenlaub,

"Unemployment Cycles"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2019, 11(4), 175-234
Asriyan, V., W. Fuchs and B. Green,

"Liquidity Sentiments"

American Economic Review, 2019, 109 (11), 3813-3848
M. Jarocinski and A. Marcet,

"Priors about Observables in Vector Autoregressions"

Journal of Econometrics, 2019, 209 (2), 238-255

Online appendix

Monràs, J., D.R. Davis, J.I. Dingel and E. Morales,

"​How Segregated is Urban Consumption?"

Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 127 (4), 1684-1738
Monràs, J.,

"Minimum Wages and Spatial Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence"

Journal of Labor Economics, 2019, 37 (3), 853-904
S. Basco and M. Mestieri,

"The World Income Distribution: The Effects of International Unbundling of Production"

Journal of Economic Growth, 2019, 24 (2), 189-221
Fornaro, L. and F. Romei,

"The Paradox of Global Thrift"

American Economic Review, 2019, 109 (11), 3745-3779
Read a non-technical summary on VoxEU
Rossi, B. and T. Sekhposyan,

"Alternative Tests for Correct Specification of Conditional Forecast Densities"

Journal of Econometrics, 2019, 208 (2), 638-657
Caggese, A., V. Cuñat and D. Metzger,

"Firing the Wrong Workers: Financing Constraints and Labor Misallocation"

Journal of Financial Economics, 2019, 133 (3), 589-607

Coverage: BGSE Focus, UPF e-news, ViaEmpresa

Baley, I. and A. Blanco,

"Firm Uncertainty Cycles and the Propagation of Nominal Shocks"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2019, 11 (1), 276-337
E. Faraglia, A. Marcet, R. Oikonomou and A. Scott,

"Government Debt Management: The Long and the Short of It"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2019, 86 (6), 2554-2604

Online appendix

A. Inoue and B. Rossi,

"The Effects of Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy on Exchange Rates"

Journal of International Economics, 2019, 118, 419-447
J. Asturias, M. García-Santana and R. Ramos,

"Competition and the Welfare Gains from Transportation Infrastructure: Evidence from the Golden Quadrilateral of India"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2019, 17 (6), 1881-1940
Vanasco, V. and M. Botsch,

"Learning by Lending"

Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2019, 37, 1-14
Debortoli, D., J. Kim, J. Lindé and R. Nunes,

"Designing a Simple Loss Function for the Fed: Does the Dual Mandate Make Sense?"

The Economic Journal, 2019, 129 (621), 2010-2038

Read a non-technical summary on VoxEu

Eeckhout, J. and H. Chade,

"Matching Information"

Theoretical Economics, 2018, 13, 377-414
A. Ismailov and B. Rossi,

"Uncertainty and Deviations from Uncovered Interest Rate Parity"

Journal of International Money and Finance, 2018, 88 (1), 242-259
Martin, A.,

"Comments on “The productivity puzzle and misallocation: An Italian perspective”  by S. Calligaris, M. Del Gatto, F. Hassan, G. Ottaviano, and F. Schivardi"

Economic Policy, 2018, 33(96), 676-678
P. Conconi, M. García-Santana, L. Puccio and R. Venturini,

"From Final Goods to Inputs: The Protectionist Effect of Preferential Rules of Origin"

American Economic Review, 2018, 108 (8), 2335-2365
Eeckhout, J.,

"Sorting in the Labor Market"

Annual Review of Economics, 2018, 10, 1-29
R. Barnichon and G. Mesters,

"On the Demographic Adjustment of Unemployment"

Review of Economics and Statitics, 2018, 100 (2), 219-231
Galí, J.,

"The State of New Keynesian Economics: A Partial Assessment"

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2018, 32 (3), 87-112
Garcia-Milà, T., T. McGuire and W. Oates,

"Strength in Diversity? Fiscal Federalism among the Fifty US States"

International Tax and Public Finance, 2018, 25 (4), 1071-1091
D. Comin and M. Mestieri,

"If Technology Has Arrived Everywhere, Why Has Income Diverged?"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2018, 10 (3), 137-178
Nagy, D., K. Desmet and E. Rossi-Hansberg,

"The Geography of Development"

Journal of Political Economy, 2018, 126 (3), 903-983
N. Gennaioli, A. Martin and S. Rossi,

"Banks, Government Bonds, and Default: What do the Data Say?"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2018, 98, 98-113

Online appendix

E. L. Glaeser and G. Ponzetto,

"The Political Economy of Transportation Investment"

Economics of Transportation, 2018, 13, 4-26
Martin, A. and J. Ventura,

"The Macroeconomics of Rational Bubbles. A User’s Guide"

Annual Review of Economics, 2018, 10 (1), 505-539
Julian di Giovanni and R. Bems,

"The Welfare Consequences of Income-Induced Expenditure Switching"

American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings, 2018, 108, 547-551
Eeckhout, J. and P. Kircher,

"Assortative Matching with Large Firms"

Econometrica, 2018, 86(1), 85-132
Julian di Giovanni, A. Levchenko and I. Mejean,

"The Micro Origins of International Business-Cycle Comovement"

American Economic Review, 2018, 108 (1), 82-108
Ager, P. and Antonio Ciccone,

"Agricultural Risk and the Spread of Religious Communities"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2018, 16 (4), 1021-1068
Fornaro, L.,

"International Debt Deleveraging"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2018, 16 (5), 1394-1432

Online Appendix

Schaal, E.,

"Uncertainty and Unemployment"

Econometrica, 2017, 85 (6), 1675-1721

Previously circulated as: Uncertainty Productivity and Unemployment in the Great Recession

Schaal, E., P. Fajgelbaum and M. Taschereau-Dumouchel,

"Uncertainty Traps"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2017, 132 (4), 1641-1692
Debortoli, D., R. Nunes and P. Yared,

"Optimal Time-Consistent Government Debt Maturity"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2017, 132 (1), 55-102
Vanasco, V.,

"The Downside of Asset Screening for Market Liquidity"

Journal of Finance, 2017, 72 (5), 1937-1982
Nagy, D., K. Desmet and E. Rossi-Hansberg,

"Asia’s Geographic Development"

Asian Development Review, 2017, 34(2), 1-24
Julian di Giovanni, A. Levchenko and I. Mejean,

"Large Firms and International Business Cycle Comovement"

American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2017, 107 (5), 598-602
Monràs, J. and G.J. Borjas,

"The Labor Market Consequences of Refugee Supply Shocks"

Economic Policy, 2017, 32 (91), 361-413
Mestieri, M., J. Schauer and R. Townsend,

"Human Capital Accumulation and Occupational Choice: Implications for Economic Development,"

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2017, 25, 151–186
Rossi, B. and T. Sehkposyan,

"Macroeconomic Uncertainty Indices for the Euro Area and its Individual Member Countries"

Empirical Economics, 2017, 53 (1), 41-62
S. Basco and M. Mestieri,

"Mergers along the Global Supply Chain: Information Technologies and Routine Tasks"

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2017, 8 (2), 406-433
K. Adams, A. Marcet and J. Beutel,

"Stock Price Booms and Expected Capital Gains"

American Economic Review, 2017, 107 (8), 2352-2408
S. J. Koopman and G. Mesters,

"Empirical Bayes Methods for Dynamic Factor Models"

Review of Economics and Statitics, 2017, 99 (3), 486-498
Eeckhout, J., H. Chade and L. Smith,

"Sorting through Search and Matching Models in Economics"

Journal of Economic Literature, 2017, 55(2), 493-544
Baskaya, Y., Julian di Giovanni, S. Kalemli-Özcan, J. Peydró and M. Ulu,

"Capital Flows and the International Credit Channel"

Journal of International Economics, 2017, 108 (Supplement 1), S15-S22
A. Inoue, L. Jin and B. Rossi,

"Rolling Window Selection for Out-of-sample Forecasting with Time-varying Parameters"

Journal of Econometrics, 2017, 196 (1), 55-67
Galí, J. and T. Monacelli,

"Understanding the Gains from Wage Flexibility: The Exchange Rate Connection"

American Economic Review, 2016, 106 (12), 3829-3868




Régis Barnichon and P, Garda,

"Forecasting Unemployment across Countries: the Ins and Outs"

European Economic Review, 2016, 84, 165-183

Special Issue on European Unemployment

Régis Barnichon and A. Figura,

"Declining Desire to Work and Downward Trends in Unemployment and Participation"

2015 NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2016, 30, 449-494


Debortoli, D. and A. Lakdawala,

"How Credible is the Federal Reserve: A Structural Estimation of Policy Re-optimizations"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2016, 8 (3), 42-76
Julian di Giovanni and R. Bems,

"Income-Induced Expenditure Switching"

American Economic Review, 2016, 106 (12), 3898-3931
Mesters, G., M. Ooms and S. J. Koopman,

"Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Generalized Long-Memory Time Series Models"

Econometric Reviews, 2016, 35 (4), 659-687
N. Ashraf, E. L. Glaeser and G. Ponzetto,

"Infrastructure, Incentives, and Institutions"

American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 2016, 106 (5), 77-82
Rossi, B. and T. Sehkposyan,

"Forecast Rationality Tests in the Presence of Instabilities, With Applications to Federal Reserve and Survey Forecasts"

Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2016, 31 (3), 507-532

Appendix [+] & Matlab codes [+]

E. L. Glaeser, G. Ponzetto and Y. Zou,

"Urban Networks: Connecting Markets, People and Ideas"

Papers in Regional Science, 2016, 95 (1), 17-59

Link to a presentation by G. Ponzetto at the CERGE-EI “Economics of Livable Cities” Conference held in Prague on 14 March 2016 from minute 50 onwards

F. Boffa, A. Piolatto and G. Ponzetto,

"Political Centralization and Government Accountability"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016, 131 (1), 381-422
K. Adam, A. Marcet and J. P. Nicolini,

"Stock Market Volatility and Learning"

Journal of Finance, 2016, 71 (1), 33-82
Broner, F. and J. Ventura,

"Rethinking the Effects of Financial Globalization"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016, 131 (3), 1497-1542
K. Adam, J. Beutel, A. Marcet and S. Merkel,

"Can a Financial Transaction Tax Prevent Stock Price Booms?"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015, 76 (Suplement), S90-S109
García-Santana, M. and R. Ramos,

"Distortions and the Size Distribution of Plants: Evidence from Cross-Country Data"

SERIES: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2015, 6 (3), 279-312
Eeckhout, J. and X. Weng,

"Common Value Experimentation"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 160, 317-339
Acemoglu, D., Gino Gancia and F. Zilibotti,

"Offshoring and Directed Technical Change"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2015, 7 (3), 84-112

Read a non-technical summary on VoxEU

Fornaro, L.,

"Financial Crises and Exchange Rate Policy"

Journal of International Economics, 2015, 95 (2), 202-215

Online Appendix


Julian di Giovanni, A. Levchenko and F. Ortega,

"A Global View of Cross-Border Migration"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2015, 13 (1), 168-202
Régis Barnichon and A. Figura,

"Labor Market Heterogeneity and the Aggregate Matching Function"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2015, 7 (4), 222-249
Galí, J. and L. Gambetti,

"The Effects of Monetary Policy on Stock Market Bubbles: Some Evidence"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2015, 7 (1), 233-257
Martin, A. and J. Ventura,

"The International Transmission of Credit Bubbles: Theory and Policy"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015, 76 (S), S37-S56
Debortoli, D. and R. Nunes,

"Monetary regime-switches and central bank preferences"

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2014, 46 (8), 1591-1626
Antonio Ciccone and 25 co-authors,

"One Effect to Rule them All? A Comment on Climate and Conflict"

Climatic Change, 2014, 127 (3-4), 391-397
García-Santana, M. and J. Pijoan-Mas,

"The Reservation Laws in India and the Misallocation of Production Factors"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2014, 66, 193-209
Mesters, G. and S. J. Koopman,

"Generalized Dynamic Panel Data Models with Random Effects for Cross-Section and Time"

Journal of Econometrics, 2014, 180 (2), 127-140
Eeckhout, J. and R. Pinheiro,

"Diverse Organizations and the Competition for Talent"

International Economic Review, 2014, 55(3), 625-664
E. L. Glaeser and G. Ponzetto,

"Shrouded Costs of Government: The Political Economy of State and Local Public Pensions"

Journal of Public Economics, 2014, 116, 89-105
G. Benigno and L. Fornaro,

"The Financial Resource Curse"

The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2014, 116 (1), 58-86
D. Comin and M. Mestieri,

"Technology Diffusion: Measurement, Causes and Consequences"

Handbook of Economic Growth, 2014, vol. 2B, ch. 2, 565-622
Eeckhout, J., R. Pinheiro and K. Schmidheiny,

"Spatial Sporting"

Journal of Political Economy, 2014, 122(3), 554-620
E. L. Glaeser, G. Ponzetto and K. Tobio,

"Cities, Skills and Regional Change"

Regional Studies, 2014, 48 (1), 7-43
Debortoli, D., J. Maih and R. Nunes,

"Loose Commitment in Medium-Scale Macroeconomic models: Theory and Applications"

Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2014, 18 (1), 175-198
Debortoli, D. and R. Nunes,

"Lack of Commitment and the Level of Debt"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2013, 11 (5), 1053-1078
S. Basco and M. Mestieri,

"Heterogeneous Trade Costs and Wage Inequality: A Model of Two Globalizations"

Journal of International Economics, 2013, 89 (2), 393-406
E. Faraglia, A. Marcet, A. Scott and R. Oikonomou,

"The Impact of Debt Levels and Debt Maturity on Inflation"

The Economic Journal, 2013, 123 (566), F164-F192
Caggese, A. and V. Cuñat,

"Financing Constraints, Firm Dynamics, Export Decisions and Aggregate Productivity"

Review of Economic Dynamics, Special Issue on Misallocation and Productivity, 2013, 16 (1), 177-193
Marimon, R., J. P. Nicolini and P. Teles,

"Money is an Experience Good: Competition and Trust in the Private Provision of Money"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2012, 59 (8), 815-825
K. Adams, P. Kuang and A. Marcet,

"House Price Booms and the Current Account"

NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2012, 26 (1), 77-122
P. A. Fernández and G. Ponzetto,

"Stare Decisis: Rhetoric and Substance"

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 2012, 28 (2), 313-336
Eeckhout, J. and B. Jovanovic,

"Occupational Choice and Development"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2012, 147(2), 657-683
Eeckhout, J. and P. Kircher,

"Identifying Sorting – In Theory"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2011, 78, 872-906
Marimon, R. and V. Quadrini,

"Competition, Human Capital and Income Inequality with Limited Commitment"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2011, 146 (3), 976-1008
K. Adams and A. Marcet,

"Internal Rationality, Imperfect Market Knowledge and Asset Prices"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2011, 146 (3), 1224-1252
Eeckhout, J. and P. Kircher,

"Sorting and Decentralized Price Competition"

Econometrica, 2010, 78(2), 539-574
E. Faraglia, A. Marcet and A. Scott,

"In Search of a Theory of Debt Management"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2010, 57 (7), 821-836
E. L. Glaeser and G. Ponzetto,

"Did the Death of Distance Hurt Detroit and Help New York?"


In E. L. Glaeser (Ed..), Agglomeration Economics, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2010, 303-337

Eeckhout, J., N. Persico and P. Todd,

"A Theory of Optimal Crackdowns"

American Economic Review, 2010, 100, 1104-1135
Debortoli, D. and R. Nunes,

"Fiscal Policy under Loose Commitment"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2010, 145 (3), 1005-1032
Eeckhout, J. and P. Kircher,

"Sorting vs Screening: Search Frictions and Competing Mechanisms"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2010, 145, 1354-1385
Eeckhout, J. and K. Munshi,

"Matching in Informal Financial Institutions"

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2010, 8(5), 947-988
Garcia-Milà, T., A. Marcet and E. Ventura,

"Supply Side Interventions and Redistribution"

The Economic Journal, 2010, 120 (543), 105-130
E. L. Glaeser, W. R. Kerr and G. Ponzetto,

"Clusters of Entrepreneurship"

Journal of Urban Economics, 2010, 67 (1), 150-168
Eeckhout, J., J. Davila and C. Martinelli,

"Bargaining over Public Goods"

Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2009, 11(6), 927-945
Eeckhout, J.,

"Gibrat’s Law for (All) Cities: Reply"

American Economic Review, 2009, 99, 1676-1683
Marcet, A. and A. Scott,

"Debt and Deficit Fluctuations and the Structure of Bond Markets"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2009, 144 (2), 473-501
J. Díaz-Giménez, G. Giovanetti and R. Marimon,

"Nominal Debt as a Burden to Monetary Policy"

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2008, 11 (3), 493-514
P. A. Fernández and G. Ponzetto,

"Case Law versus Statute Law: An Evolutionary Comparison"

Journal of Legal Studies, 2008, 37 (2), 379-430
E. Faraglia, A. Marcet and A. Scott,

"Fiscal Insurance and Debt Management in OECD Economies"

The Economic Journal, 2008, 118 (527), 363-386
Eeckhout, J. and J. Davila,

"Competitive Bargaining Equilibrium"

Journal of Economic Theory, 2008, 139(1), 269-294
Marcet, A., F. Obiols-Homs and P. Weil,

"Incomplete Markets, Labor Supply and Capital Accumulation"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2007, 54 (8), 2621-2635
E. L. Glaeser, G. Ponzetto and A. Shleifer,

"Why Does Democracy Need Education?"

Journal of Economic Growth, 2007, 12 (2), 77-99
G. Evans, S. Honkapohja and R. Marimon,

"Stable Sunspot Equilibria in a Cash-in-Advance Economy"

B. E Journal of Macroeconomics, 2007, 7 (1), Article 3
Eeckhout, J.,

"Minorities and Endogenous Segregation"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2006, 73(1), 31-53
E. L. Glaeser, G. Ponzetto and J. M. Shapiro,

"Strategic Extremism: Why Republicans and Democrats Divide on Religious Values"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2005, 120 (4), 1283-1330
Marcet, A. and J. P. Nicolini,

"Money and Prices in Models of Bounded Rationality in High-Inflation Economies"

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2005, 8 (2), 452-479
T. Cooley, R. Marimon and V. Quadrini,

"Aggregate Consequences of Limited Contract Enforceability"

Journal of Political Economy, 2004, 112 (4), 817-847
E. Fornero, C. Fugazza and G. Ponzetto,

"Analisi comparativa dell’onerosità dei prodotti previdenziali individuali"


A Comparative Analysis of the Costs of Individual Pension Products, Mercato, Concorrenza, Regole, 5 (2), 2004, 297–328

M. Borella, E. Fornero and G. Ponzetto,

"The Market for Annuities in Italy: Reality or Chimera?"


In E. Fornero and E. Luciano (Eds.), Developing an Annuity Market in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, 262-290

Link to the Book

Eeckhout, J.,

"Gibrat’s Law for (All) Cities"

American Economic Review, 2004, 94(5), 1429-1451
V. V. Chari, L. Jones and R. Marimon,

"Strategic Delegation in Monetary Unions"

The Manchester School, 2004, 72 (s1), 19-33
Marcet, A. and J. P. Nicolini,

"Recurrent Hyperinflations and Learning"

American Economic Review, 2003, 93 (5), 1476-1498
J. P. Nicolini,

"Recurrent Hyperinflations and Learning"

American Economic Review, 2003, 93 (5), 1476-1498
Marimon, R., J. P. Nicolini and P. Teles,

"Inside-Outside Money Competition"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2003, 50 (8), 1701-1718
S. Rao Aiyagari, A. Marcet, T. J. Sargent and J. Seppälä,

"Optimal Taxation without State-Contingent Debt"

Journal of Political Economy, 2002, 110 (6), 1220-1254
M. Bagella, L. Becchetti and A. Caggese,

"Financial Constraints on Investments: A Three-pillar Approach"

Research Economics, 2001, 55 (2), 219-254
L. Becchetti and A. Caggese,

"Effects of Index Option Introduction on Stock Index Volatility: A Procedure for Empirical Testing Based on SSC-GARCH Models"

Applied Financial Economics, 2000, 10 (3), 323-341
Marcet, A. and K. Singleton,

"Equilibrium Asset Prices and Savings of Heterogeneous Agents in the Presence of Incomplete Markets and Portfolio Constraints"

Macroeconomic Dynamics, 1999, 3 (2), 243-277
G. Lorenzoni and A. Marcet,

"Parameterized Expectations Approach; Some Practical Issues"


in R. Marimon and A. Scott (Eds.) Computational Methods for the Study of Dynanic Economies, Oxford University Press, 1999, 143-171

Link to book chapter

Marcet, A. and T. J. Sargent,

"Speed of Convergence of Recursive Least Squares Learning with ARMA Perceptions"


in A. Kirman and M. Salmon, (Eds.), Learning and Rationality in Economics, B. Blackwell Publishers, 1995, chapter 6, 179-215.

Link to the book.

Marcet, A.,

"Simulation Analysis of Stochastic Dynamic Models: Applications to Theory and Estimation"


in C. A. Sims (Ed.), Advances in Econometrics, Sixth World Congress, Volume 2, Cambridge University Press, 1994, 81-118.

Link to the book.

W. den Haan and A. Marcet,

"Accuracy in Simulations"

The Review of Economic Studies, 1994, 61 (1), 3-17
G. Giovanetti, A. Marcet and R. Marimon,

"Growth, Capital Flows and Enforcement Constraints: The Case of Africa"

European Economic Review, 1993, 37 (2-3), 418-425
Marcet, A. and R. Marimon,

"Communication, Commitment, and Growth"

Journal of Economic Theory, 1992, 58 (2), 219-249
Marcet, A. and T. J. Sargent,

"The Convergence of Vector Auto-Regressions to Rational Expectations Equilibrium"


In A. Vercelli and N. Dimitri (Eds.), Macroeconomics, a Strategic Survey, Oxford University Press, 1992, 139-164.

Marcet, A.,

"Temporal Aggregation of Economic Time Series"


in T. J. Sargent and L. P. Hansen (Eds.), Rational Expectations Econometrics, Westview Press, 1991, 237-281.

Link to the book

W. den Haan and A. Marcet,

"Solving the Stochastic Growth Model by Parameterizing Expectations"

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 1990, 8 (1), 31-34
Marcet, A. and T. J. Sargent,

"Convergence of Least-Squares Learning in Environments with Hidden State Variables and Private Information"

Journal of Political Economy, 1989, 97 (6), 1306-1322
Marcet, A. and T. J. Sargent,

"Convergence of Least Squares Learning Mechanisms in Self-Referential Linear Stochastic Models"

Journal of Economic Theory, 1989, 48 (2), 337-368
Marcet, A. and T. J. Sargent,

"Least-Squares Learning and the Dynamics of Hyperinflation"


in W. Barnett, J. Geweke and K. Shell (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Cambridge University Press, 1989, 119-137

Link to book chapter

Marcet, A. and T. J. Sargent,

"The Fate of Systems with ‘Adaptive’ Expectations"

American Economic Review, 1988, 78 (2), 168-172
Asriyan, V., W. Fuchs and B. Green,

"Information Spillovers in Asset Markets with Correlated Values"

Published in American Economic Review, 2017, 107 (7), 2007-2040

Garcia-Milà, T. and T. McGuire,

"United States"

Handbook of Fiscal Federalism: Comparative Experiences and Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Forum of Federations, Ottawa, Canada.