Fabio Canova
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 08005-Barcelona
- Applied and quantitative macroeconomics, econometrics
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The Ins and Outs of Unemployment: An Analysis Conditional on Technology Shocks (with D. López-Salido and C. Michellacci)
Forthcoming in Economic Journal
Do Institutional Changes affect BusinessCycles? Evidence from Europe (with M. Cicarelli and E. Ortega)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36 (10), 2012, 1520-1533
ClubMed? Cyclical Fluctuations in the Mediterranean Basin (with M. Cicarelli)
Journal of International Economics, 88 (1), 2012, 162-175
The Dynamics of US Inflation: Can Monetary Policy explain the Changes (with F. Ferroni)
Journal of Econometrics, 167 (1), 2012, 47-60
Business Cycle Measurement with Some Theory (with M. Paustian)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 58 (4), 2011, 345-361
Fiscal Policy, Pricing Frictions and Monetary Accommodation (with E. Pappa)
Economic Policy, 26 (68), 2011, 555-598
Does Money Matter in Shaping Domestic Business Cycles? An International Investigation (with T. Menz)
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 43 (4), 2011, 577-609
Multiple Filtering Devices for the Estimation of Cyclical DSGE Models (with F. Ferroni)
Quantitative Economics, 2 (1), 2011, 73-98
Do Expectations Matter? The Great Moderation Revisited (with L. Gambetti)
American Economic Journal, 2 (3), 2010, 183-205
The Effects of Technology Shocks on Hours and Output: A Robustness Analysis (with D. López-Salido and C. Michelacci)
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25 (5), 2010, 755-773
WP version (extended)
November 2006, revised February 2008
Japan’s Lost Decade: Does Money have a Role? (with T. Menz)
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 24 (2), 2010, 178-195
Comment to “Weak Instruments Robust Tests in GMM and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve” by F. Kleibergen and S. Mavroeidis
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27 (3), 2009, 311-315
How Much Structure in Empirical Models?
In Palgrave Handbook of Applied Econometrics, 2009, edited by T. Mills and K. Patterson , vol. 2, pp. 68-97.
Estimating Multi-country VAR Models (with M. Ciccarelli)
Replication codes
International Economic Review, 50 (3), 2009, 929-961
Back to Square One: Identification Issues in DSGE Models (with L. Sala)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 56 (4), 2009, 431-449
WP version (extended)
May 2005, revised February 2008
What Explains the Great Moderation in the US? A Structural Analysis
Journal of the European Economic Association, 7 (4), 2009, 697-721
Structural Changes in the US Economy: Is there a Role for Monetary Policy? (with L. Gambetti)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33 (2), 2009, 477-490
The Structural Dynamics of U.S. Output and Inflation: What Explains the Changes? (with L. Gambetti and E. Pappa)
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 40 (2-3), 2008, 369-388
Methods for Applied Macroeconomic Research. Princeton University Press, 2007.
The following are earlier drafts of the three chapters of the book:
Chapter 4: VAR Models
Chapter 6: Likelihood Methods
Chapter 10: Bayesian VARs
Price Differentials in Monetary Unions: The Role of Fiscal Shocks (with E. Pappa)
The Economic Journal, 117 (520), 2007, 713-737
Former working paper (Appendix)
Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: Lessons from 5 Years of ECB and Implications for Turkey (with C. Favero)
Macroeconomic Polices for Accession Countries, 2007, edited by E. Basci, S. Togan and J. Vonhagen, p. 79-129
Similarities and Convergence in G-7 Cycles (with M. Ciccarelli and E. Ortega)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 54 (3), 2007, 850-878
The Structural Dynamics of Output Growth and Inflation: Some International Evidence (with L. Gambetti and E. Pappa)
The Economic Journal, 117 (519), 2007, C167-C191
G-7 Inflation Forecasts: Random Walk, Phillips Curve or What Else?
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 11 (1), 2007, 1-30
The Elusive Costs and the Immaterial Gains of Fiscal Constraints (wih E. Pappa)
Journal of Public Economics, 90 (8), 2006, 1391-1414
The Transmission of US Shocks to Latin America
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 20 (2), 2005, 229-251
Does it Cost to be Virtuous? The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Constraints (with E. Pappa)
NBER International Seminar in Macroeconomics, 2005, 11065, 327-370
Forecasting and Turning Point Predictions in a Bayesian Panel VAR Model (with M. Ciccarelli)
Journal of Econometrics, 120 (2), 2004, 327-359
Testing for Convergence Clubs in Income per Capita: A Predictive Density Approach
International Economic Review, 45 (1), 2004, 49-77
The Properties of Equity Premium and the Risk Free-Rate: An Investigation across Time and Countries (with G. de Nicoló)
IMF Staff Papers, 50 (2), 2003, 222-249
On the Sources of Business Cycles in the G-7 (with G. de Nicoló)
Journal of International Economics, 59 (1), 2003, 77-100
Did Colonization Matter for Growth? An Empirical Exploration into the Historical Causes of Africa’s Underdevelopment (with G. Bertocchi)
European Economic Review, 46 (10), 2002, 1851-1871
Monetary Disturbances Matter for Business Fluctuations in the G-7 (with G. de Nicoló)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 49 (6), 2002, 1131-1159
Inequality and Convergence in Europe’s Regions: Reconsidering European Regional Policies (with M. Boldrin)
Economic Policy, 13 (32), 2001, 207-253
Stock Returns, Term Structure, Inflation, and Real Activity. An International Perspective (with G. de Nicoló)
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 4 (3), 2000, 343-372
The Macroeconomic Effects of German Unification: Real Adjustments and the Welfare State (with M. Ravn)
Review of Economic Dynamics, 3 (3), 2000, 423-460
Economic Journal, 109 (452), 1999, 126-150
Sources and Propagation of International Output Cycles: Common Shocks or Transmission? (with J. Marrinan)
Journal of International Economics, 46 (1), 1998, 133-166
Detrending and Business Cycle Facts
Journal of Monetary Economics, 41 (3), 1998, 475-512
Detrending and Business Cycle Facts: A User’s Guide
Journal of Monetary Economics, 41 (3), 1998, 533-540
International Business Cycles, Financial Markets and Household Production (with A. Ubide)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22 (4), 1998, 545-572
International Consumption Risk Sharing (with M. Ravn)
International Economic Review, 37 (3), 1996, 574-601
Three Tests for the Existence of Cycles in Time Series
Ricerche Economiche, 50 (2), 1996, 135-162
Reconciling the Term Structure of Interest Rates with the Consumption-based ICAP Model (with J. Marrinan)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 20 (4), 1996, 709-750
Stock Returns and Real Activity: A Structural Approach (with G. de Nicoló)
European Economic Review, 39 (5), 1995, 981-1015
Sensitivity Analysis and Model Evaluation in Simulated Dynamic General Equilibrium Economies
International Economic Review, 36 (2), 1995, 477-501
Predicting Excess Returns in Financial Markets (with J. Marrinan)
European Economic Review, 39 (1), 1995, 35-69
Statistical Inference in Calibrated Models
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 9 (1), 1994, S123-S144
Changes in Seasonal Patterns: Are they Cyclical? (with E. Ghysels)
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 18 (6), 1994, 1143-1171
European Economic Review, 38 (3-4), 1994, 614-623
Were Financial Crises Predictable?
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 26 (1), 1994, 102-124
Profits, Risk, and Uncertainty in Foreign Exchange Markets (with J. Marrinan)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 32 (2), 1993, 259-286
Trade Interdependence and the International Business Cycle(with H. Dellas)
Journal of International Economics, 34 (1-2), 1993, 23-47
Modelling and Forecasting Exchange Rates with a Bayesian Time-varying Coefficient Model
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 17 (1-2), 1993, 233-261
Forecasting Time Series with Common Seasonal Patterns
Journal of Econometrics, 55 (1-2), 1993, 173-200
Price Smoothing Policies: A Welfare Analysis
Journal of Monetary Economics, 30 (2), 1992, 255-275
An Empirical Analysis of Ex Ante Profits from Forward Speculation in Foreign Exchange Markets
Review of Economics and Statistics, 73 (3), 1991, 489-496
The Sources of Financial Crisis: Pre- and Post-Fed Evidence
International Economic Review, 32 (3), 1991, 689-713
The Time-Series Properties of the Risk Premium in the Yen/Dollar Exchange Market (with T. Ito)
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 6 (2), 1991, 125-142