Giacomo Ponzetto
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
Mercè Rodoreda Bldg.
- Anna Cano
- Phone: (+34) 93 542 2668
- Applied Micro, Financial Economics, International Economics and, Economic Geography and Urban Economics

Working Papers
First draft December 2023
Read a non-technical summary on The NBER Digest
Listen to a non-technical presentation on Not Another Politics Podcast
First draft November 2008
Previously circulated as “Heterogeneous Information and Trade Policy”
First draft August 2017
Read a non-technical summary on VoxEU
First draft July 2015
Previously circulated as: “Contract Innovation and Legal Evolution under Imperfect Enforcement”
First draft December 2008
Short Bio and Picture
Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto is a Senior Researcher at the Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI) and the Institute of Political Economy and Governance (IPEG), and a professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and the Barcelona School of Economics. He has also been a Visiting Professor at Harvard and Bocconi. He is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and an editorial board member of the Review of Economic Studies, having previously been an associate editor of the Journal of the European Economic Association. He received his PhD from Harvard University in 2009.
His research interests include political economics, economic geography and international trade. He has published articles in numerous scientific journals on topics such as the geographic structure of government; the impact of asymmetric information on politics and economic policy-making; legal institutions and the development of regulation; and urban growth dynamics, human capital and innovation.
Selected Publications
- “Social Capital, Government Expenditures, and Growth”, (with U. Troiano ), Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.
- “Globalization and Political Structure” (with G. Gancia and J. Ventura), Journal of the European Economic Association, 20 (3), 2022, 1276-1310.
- “Securing Property Rights” (with A. P. Behrer, E. L. Glaeser and A. Shleifer), Journal of Political Economy, 129 (4), 2021, 1157-1192.
- “A Theory of Economic Unions” (with G. Gancia and J. Ventura), Journal of Monetary Economics, 109, 2020, 107-127.
- “Political Centralization and Government Accountability” (with F. Boffa and A. Piolatto), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (1), 2016, 381-422.
- “Shrouded Costs of Government: The Political Economy of State and Local Public Pensions” (with E. L. Glaeser), Journal of Public Economics, 116, 2014, 89-105.
- “Stare Decisis: Rhetoric and Substance” (with P. A. Fernandez), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 28 (2), 2012, 313-336.
- “Clusters of Entrepreneurship” (with E. L. Glaeser and W. R. Kerr), Journal of Urban Economics, 67 (1), 2010, 150-168.
- “Why Does Democracy Need Education?” (with E. L. Glaeser and A. Shleifer), Journal of Economic Growth, 12 (2), 2007, 77-99.
- “Strategic Extremism: Why Republicans and Democrats Divide on Religious Values” (with E. L. Glaeser and J. M. Shapiro), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 120 (4), 2005, 1283-1330.
Other Writings
Shock dazi, l’Europa si svegli, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto
Alto Adige, 02/03/2025
Caro affitti: la soluzione fasulla dei prezzi calmierati, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto
Il Sussidiario, 25/02/2025
El problema de la vivienda: soluciones y no soluciones, by G. Ponzetto
Nada es Gratis, 06/02/2025
Il dilemma dell’Europa di fronte al ritorno dei dazi di Trump, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto)
Il Foglio, 04/02/2025
Le democrazie nella tenaglia dei social, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto
Alto Adige, 16/11/2024
Natalità e politica: come mai nella provincia di Bolzano si continua a fare più figli, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto
Il Sussidiario, 05/11/2024
Buon governo antidoto al populismo, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto
Alto Adige, 27/08/2024
Per fare figli, welfare e fiducia nel futuro, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto
Alto Adige, 12/05/2024
Com’è difficile fare figli da Bolzano in giù: le politiche per la natalità dell’Alto Adige, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto
Il Foglio, 19/04/2024
Politiche economiche, quali scelte, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Alto Adige, 09/11/2023
Does Bad Government Breed Populism? Interviewed by W. Howell
Not Another Politics Podcast, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, 29/04/2023
Qui hi perd i qui hi guanya amb el turisme de masses?, by G. Ponzetto., 21/02/2023.
Perquè la banca tracta malament a la gent? Panel discussion with O. Arango, A. Filella, G. Ponzetto and A. Romans.
Economia de Guerra, 8TV, 01/07/2022.
Vehicle nou: compra o rènting? Panel discussion with F. J. López, E. Martínez, A. Medina and G. Ponzetto.
Economia de Guerra, 8TV, 17/06/2022.
Habitatge: un dret o un luxe? Panel discussion with G. Hernández, E. Martínez, R. Medina and G. Ponzetto.
Economia de Guerra, 8TV, 27/05/2022
Un tetto al prezzo del gas è l’arma dell’Ue contro il monopolio russo, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Il Foglio, 27/05/2022.
Steuern für den Frieden. by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Südtiroler Wirtschaftszeitung, 22/04/2022.
Tasse europee sui profitti russi, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
La Stampa, 11/04/2022.
Il dilemma degli economisti: AstraZeneca o BioNTech? Meglio aspettare se il vaccino non è giusto, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
La Stampa, 02/05/2021.
Arrivano i tecnocrati, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Il Foglio, 05/02/2021.
Cosa ci lascia Alberto Alesina, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Alto Adige and L’Adige, 25/06/2020.
Per rilanciare l’economia serve ripartire dal sud, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Il Foglio, 27/03/2020.
Istituzioni e consenso: meglio il modello autoritario cinese o quello liberaldemocratico?, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Il Foglio, 09/03/2020.
Come portare Roma e Napoli al livello di Milano? Qualche ricetta, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Il Foglio, 29/12/2019.
Il Nobel e la ricerca economica, by F. Boffa and G. Ponzetto.
Alto Adige, 17/10/2019.
Tres punts a millorar per escalar posicions, by G. Ponzetto.
El Periódico, 28/02/2017.
Per què la renda per habitant d’Ulldecona és la meitat que la de Sant Cugat del Vallès? Panel discussion with M. Andreu, G. Ponzetto and S. Porcel.
El Suplement, Catalunya Ràdio, 21/05/2016.
Other Links
Urban Economics
Political Economics
Syllabus (updated 16.03.2010)
Week 01 (08-11.01.2010)
Week 02 (15-18.01.2010)
Week 03 (22-25.01.2010)
Week 04 (29.01-01.02.2010)
Week 05 (05-08.02.2010)
Week 06-a (12-15.02.2010)
Week 06-b (12-15.02.2010)
Week 06-c (12-15.02.2010)
Week 07 (19-22.02.2010)
Week 08 (26.02-01.03.2010)
Week 09 (05-08.03.2010)
Week 10 (12.03.2010)
NOTE : In the case of publications that are not open-access, downloading, copying or printing for, or on behalf of, any for-profit commercial firm or other commercial purpose should not be done without the explicit permission of the corresponding publisher.
Journal of the European Economic Association forthcoming
Journal of the European Economic Association, 20 (3), 2022, 1276-1310
Journal of Political Economy, 129 (4), 2021, 1157-1192
Journal of Monetary Economics, 109, 2020, 107-127
Economics of Transportation, 13, 2018, 4-26
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 106 (5), 2016, 77-82
Papers in Regional Science, 95 (1), 2016, 17-59
Link to a presentation by G. Ponzetto at the CERGE-EI “Economics of Livable Cities” Conference held in Prague on 14 March 2016 from minute 50 onwards
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (1), 2016, 381-422
Journal of Public Economics, 116, 2014, 89-105
Regional Studies, 48 (1), 2014, 7-43
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 28 (2), 2012, 313-336
In E. L. Glaeser (Ed..), Agglomeration Economics, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2010, 303-337
Journal of Urban Economics, 67 (1), 2010, 150-168
Journal of Legal Studies, 37 (2), 2008, 379-430
Journal of Economic Growth, 12 (2), 2007, 77-99
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 120 (4), 2005, 1283-1330
A Comparative Analysis of the Costs of Individual Pension Products, Mercato, Concorrenza, Regole, 5 (2), 2004, 297–328
In E. Fornero and E. Luciano (Eds.), Developing an Annuity Market in Europe, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2004, 262-290