Recent Publications

A. Abraham, E. Cárceles, R. Marimon and Y. Liu,

"On the Optimal Design of a Financial Stability Fund"

Forthcoming in The Review of Economic Studies, 2025

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


G. Benigno, L. Fornaro and M. Wolf,

"The Global Financial Resource Curse"

American Economic Review, 2024, 115 (1), 220-262

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


L. Althoff and H. Reichardt,

"Jim Crow and Black Economic Progress After Slavery"

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2024, 139 (4), 2279-2330

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


Galí, J. and D. Debortoli,

"Idiosyncratic Income Risk and Aggregate Fluctuations"

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2024, 16(4), 279–310

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


Nagy, D., C. Ducruet, R. Juhász and C. Steinwender,

"All Aboard: The Effects of Port Development"

Journal of International Economics, 2024, Volume 151, 103963

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


Asriyan, V., L. Laeven, A. Martin, A. Van der Ghote and V. Vanasco,

"Falling Interest Rates and Credit Reallocation: Lessons from General Equilibrium"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2024, 1-31

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


Baley, I., Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent,

"Returns to labour mobility"

The Economic Journal, 2024, 135, 430–454

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


Ponzetto, G. and U. Troiano,

"Social Capital, Government Expenditures, and Growth"

Forthcoming in Journal of the European Economic Association, 2024

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


Asriyan, V. and V. Vanasco,

"Security Design in Non-Exclusive Markets with Asymmetric Information"

The Review of Economic Studies, 2024, 91(2), 690–719

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


Galí, J., R. Billi and A. Nakov,

"Optimal Monetary Policy with r*< 0"

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2024, 142, article 103518

Published in Review of Economic Dynamics, 18 (4), 2015, 979-2002. DOI. Repository.
Isaac Kerstenetzky Award 2010 Honourable Mention


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