"On the Optimal Design of a Financial Stability Fund"
Forthcoming in The Review of Economic Studies, 2025
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, (Papers and Proceedings), 2 (2-3), 2004, 372-380