Nicola Gennaioli
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 08005-Barcelona
- Law and economics, economic development and applied theory

Working Papers
Revised May 2013
revised July 2013
revised October 2013
CEPR discussion paper 8699
revised June 2012
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Sovereign Default, Domestic Banks, and Financial Institutions (with A. Martin and S. Rossi)
The Journal of Finance, forthcoming
Salience and Asset Prices (with P. Bordalo and A. Shleifer)
American Economic Review P&P, forthcoming
Dynastic Management (with F. Caselli)
Economic Inquiry, forthcoming
Optimal Contracts with Enforcement Risk
Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming
Contractual Resolutions of Financial Distress (with S. Rossi)
The Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming
Human Capital and Regional Development (with R. La Porta, F. López-de-Silanes and A. Shleifer)
Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming
A Model of Shadow Banking (with A. Shleifer and R. Vishny)
Journal of Finance, forthcoming
Salience Theory of Choice Under Risk (with A. Shleifer and P. Bordalo)
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127 (3), 1243-1285, 2012
Appendix with Proofs and Experiments
Salience in Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect (with A. Shleifer and P. Bordalo)
American Economic Review P&P, 102 (3), 47-52, 2012
Neglected Risks, Financial Innovation, and Financial Fragility (with A. Shleifer and R. Vishny)
Journal of Financial Economics, 104, 452-468, May 2012
Institutions, Financial Integration and Complementarity (with A. Martin and S. Rossi),
In R. Kolb (ed.), Soverign Debt: From Safety to Default, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., November 2011
What Comes to Mind (with A. Shleifer)
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125 (4), 1399-1433, November 2010
Judicial Discretion in Corporate Bankruptcy (with S. Rossi)
Review of Financial Studies, 23 (11), 4078-4114, November 2010
Economics and Politics of Alternative Institutional Reforms (with F. Caselli)
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123 (3), 1197-1250, August 2008
Judicial Fact Discretion (with A. Shleifer)
Journal of Legal Studies, 37 (1), 1-35, January 2008
The Modern Impact of Precolonial Centralization in Africa (with I. Rainer)
Journal of Economic Growth, 12 (3), 185-234, September 2007
Overruling and the Instability of Law (with A. Shleifer)
Journal of Comparative Economics, 35, 309-328, June 2007
The Evolution of Common Law (with A. Shleifer)
Journal of Political Economy, 115, 43-68, February 2007
Precolonial Centralization and Institutional Quality in Africa (with I. Rainer)
In Mark Gradstein and Kai Konrad eds, Institutions and Norms in Economic Development, MIT Press, 2006
Credit Constraints, Competition, and Meritocracy (with F. Caselli)
Journal of the European Economic Association, 3, 679-689, April-May, 2005