The Great Synergie: The European Enlightenment as a Factor in Modern Economic Growth
by J. Mokyr
Discussion of Joachim Voth (UPF)
Human Capital and the Wealth of Nations
by R. Manuelli and A. Seshadri
Discussion of Omar Licandro (EUI)
Discussion of Marcelo Soto (IAE)
Growth and Volatility
by D. Comin and S. Mulani
Discussion of Diego Puga (University of Toronto and CREI-UPF)
Discussion of Álvaro Riascos (Banco de la República de Colombia)
Competition, Innovation and Growth with Limited Commitment
by R. Marimon and V. Quadrini
Discussion of Stephen Parente (University of Illinois)
Discussion of Hugo Hopenhayn (UCLA)
Innovation and R&D Expenditures in Argentina: Evidence from a Firm Level Survey
by P. Sanguinetti
Rates of Return and the Industrial R&D in Chile
by J. M. Benavente, J. De Gregorio and M. Núñez
Discussion of Armando Castelar Pinheiro (IPEA, Brazil)
Discussion of Rachel Griffith (IFS, University College London)
Discussion of Osmel Manzano (CAF, Venezuela)
Panel: On Innovation Policies for Developing Countries
Bronwyn Hall (UC Berkeley), On Public Financing of Innovation
Jan Fagerber (University of Oslo), On Capacity Competitiveness
Manuel Trajtenberg (Tel-Aviv University), On Government Support to R&D and the Role of VC
The Arc of Science
by P. Romer
Science and Technology: Which Way Does the Causation Run?
by N. Rosenberg
Discussion of Paula Stephan (Georgia State University)
Discussion of Paul David (University of Oxford)
Academia, the Private Sector, and the Process of Innovation
by P. Aghion, M. Dewatripont and J. Stein
Discussion of Andreu Mas-Colell (UPF)
Discussion of Juan P. Nicolini (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)
Policy Panel Discussion: Choosing and Designing R&D and Innovation Policies to Enhance Growth
Marta Aymerich (CIRIT)
Guillermo Perry (Chief Economist, Latin American and Caribbean Region, World Bank)
Nathan Rosenberg (Stanford University)
Luc Soete (Universiteit Maastricht)
Andrew Sors (DG Research, European Commission)
Enric Banda (Director of Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació)
Identifying R&D Shortfalls in LDCs
by A. Rodríguez-Clare
Patenting and Research and Development: A Global View
by M. Bosch, D. Lederman and W. Maloney
Gerardo Esquivel (Colegio de México)
Rodrigo Fuentes (Central Bank of Chile)
Reinhilde Veugelers (KUL, ECFIN and CEPR)
Innovation, Diffusion and Trade
by J. Eaton and S. Kortum
Jaume Ventura (CREI-UPF)
Eduardo Morón (Universidad del Pacífico, Perú)
Do Multinational Enterprises Contribute to Convergence or Divergence. A Dissagregated Analysis of US FDI
by D. Mayer-Foulkes and P. Nunnenkamp
Giorgia Giovanetti (Università di Firenze and ICE)
Claudio Bravo-Ortega (Universidad de Chile)
Does Innovation Stimulate Employment? A Firm-Level Analysis Using Comparable Micro Data from Four European Countries
by R. Harrison, J. Jaumandreu, J. Mairesse and B. Peters
Walter García-Fontes (UPF)
Sebastián Galiani (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella)
Intellectual Property and Market Size
by M. Boldrin and D. Levine
Do Formal Intellectual Property Rights Hinder the Free Flow of Scientific Knowledge? An Empirical Test of the Anti-Commons Hypothesis
by F. Murray and S. Stern
The Value of Patents
by A. Gambardella, D. Harhoff and B. Verspagen
Panel: Are the Current IPR Systems Stimulating Innovation and Development?
Dominique Guellec (European Pattent Office)
Keith Maskus (University of Colorado Boulder)
Ashish Arora (Carnegie Mellon University)