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The Global Welfare Impact of China: Trade Integration and Technological Change (with A. Levchenko and J. Zhang)
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 6 (3), 2014, 153-183
Firms, Destinations and Aggregate Fluctuations (with A. Levchenko and I. Méjean)
Econometrica, 82 (4), 2014, 1303-1340
Firm Entry, Trade, and Welfare in Zipf’s World (with A. Levchenko)
Journal of International Economics, 89 (2), 2013, 283-296
Country Size, International Trade, and Aggregate Fluctuations in Granular Economy (with A. Levchenko)
Journal of Political Economy, 120 (6), 2012, 1083-1132
Power Laws in Firm Size and Openness to Trade: Measurement and Implications (with A. Levchenko and R. Rancière)
Journal of International Economics, 85 (1), 2011, 42-52
Putting the Parts Together: Trade, Vertical Linkages, and Business Cycle Comovement (with A. Levchenko)
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2 (2), 2010, 95-124
Trade Openness and Volatility (with A. Levchenko)
Review of Economics and Statistics, 91(3), 2009, 558-585
Following Germany’s Lead: Using International Monetary Linkages to Identify the Effect of Monetary Policy on the Economy (with V. J. McCrary and T. von Wacher)
Review of Economics and Statistics, 91 (2), 2009, 315-331
The Impact of Foreign Interest Rates on the Economy: The Role of the Exchange Rate Regime (with J. Shambaugh)
Journal of International Economics, 74 (2), 2008,341-361
Remoteness and Real Exchange Rate Volatility (with C. Bravo-Ortega)
Imf Staff Paper, 53 special issue, 2006, 115-132
What Drives Capital Flows? The Case of Cross-Border M&A Activity and Financial Deepening
Journal of International Economics, 65 (1), 2005, 127-149