Fernando Broner
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
- Anna Cano
- acano@crei.cat
- Phone: (+34) 93 542 2668
- Macroeconomics and International Economics

Working Papers
revised February 2002
NOTE : In the case of publications that are not open-access, downloading, copying or printing for, or on behalf of, any for-profit commercial firm or other commercial purpose should not be done without the explicit permission of the corresponding publisher.
American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings forthcoming
Journal of International Economics, 145, article 103795, 2023
Read a non-technical summary on VOXEU
The Review of Economic Studies, 89 (3), 2022, 1155-1204
Data and Replication Files
Read a non-technical summary on VOXEU
Journal of International Economics, 130, 2021, article 103446
IMF Economic Review, 69 (1), 2021, 122-154
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (3), 2016, 1497-1542
Sovereign Debt Markets in Turbulent Times: Creditor Discrimination and Crowding-Out Effects (with A. Erce, A. Martin and J. Ventura)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 61, 2014, 114-142
Non-technical summary at VOXEU
Gross Capital Flows: Dynamics and Crises (with T. Didier, A. Erce and S. Schmukler)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 60 (1), 2013, 113-133
Stata data and do files to generate tables and figures
Non-technical summary at VOXEU
Why do Emerging Economies Borrow Short Term? (with G. Lorenzoni and S. Schmukler)
Journal of the European Economic Association, 11 (S1), 2013, 67-100
Time series of Bond Spreads and Issuance at Different Maturities
Globalization and Risk Sharing (with J. Ventura)
Review of Economic Studies, 78 (1), 2011, 49-82
Sovereign Risk and Secondary Markets (with A. Martin and J. Ventura)
American Economic Review, 100 (4), 2010, 1523-1555
Enforcement Problems and Secondary Markets (with A. Martin and J. Ventura)
Journal of the European Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings, 6 (2-3), 2008, 683-694
Discrete Devaluations and Multiple Equilibria in a First Generation Model of Currency Crises
Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (3), 2008, 592-605
When in Peril, Retrench: Testing the Portfolio Channel of Contagion (with G. Gelos and C. Reinhart)
Journal of International Economics, 69 (1), 2006, 203-230
Determining Underlying Macroeconomic Fundamentals During Emerging Market Crises: Are Conditions as Bad as They Seem? (with M. Aguiar)
Journal of Monetary Economics, 53 (4), 2006, 699-724
Why are Capital Flows so much more Volatile in Emerging than in Developed Countries?(with R. Rigobon)
External Financial Vulnerability and Preventive Policies, R. Caballero, C. Calderón, and L. Céspedes (eds.), Eight Annual Conference of the Central Bank of Chile, 2006, 25-39
Desalineación y Variables Fundamentales: Tasas de Cambio de Equilibrio en Siete Paises Latinoamericanos (with N. Loayza and H. López)
Coyuntura Económica, 27 (4), 1997, 101-124
Dynamical Hysteresis without Static Hysteresis: Scaling Laws and Asymptotic Expansions (with G. Glodsztein et al.)
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 57 (4), 1997, 1163-1187
Scaling Laws for Dynamical Hysteresis in a Multidimensional Laser System (with G. Goldsztein et. al.)
Physical Review Letters, 74 (12), 1995, 2220-2223
Short Bio and Picture
Fernando Broner is a Senior Researcher at CREi and a Barcelona School of Economics Research Professor. He is Co-Director of the Master in International Trade, Finance and Development at the Barcelona School of Economics and teaches in the PhD program at UPF. He is a Research Fellow at the CEPR and a Co-Editor at the Journal of International Economics. He received his PhD in Economics at MIT in 2000.
He has been Visiting Professor at MIT, Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, Advisor at the Bank of Spain’s Division of International Economics, and Visiting Scholar at the IMF and World Bank. He was awarded a European Research Council Starting Grant in 2010 for the project “International Capital Flows and Emerging Markets”. His research interests include International Economics, Finance, and Macroeconomics.
Selected Publications
- “Rethinking the Effects of Financial Globalization” (with J. Ventura), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131 (3), 1497-542, 2016.
- “Sovereign Debt Markets in Turbulent Times: Creditor Discrimination and Crowding-Out Effects” (with A. Erce, A. Martin, and J. Ventura), Journal of Monetary Economics, 61, 114-142, 2014.
- “Gross Capital Flows: Dynamics and Crise,” (with T. Didier, A. Erce, and S. Schmukler), Journal of Monetary Economics, 60, 113-133, 2013.
- “Why do Emerging Economies Borrow Short Term?” (with G. Lorenzoni and S. Schmukler), Journal of the European Economic Association, 11 (S1), 67-100, 2013.
- “Globalization and Risk Sharing,” (with J. Ventura), Review of Economic Studies, 78 (1), 49-82, 2011.
- “Sovereign Risk and Secondary Markets” (with J. Ventura and A. Martin), American Economic Review, 100 (4), 1523-1555, 2010.
Other Links
Master’s degree in International Trade, Finance and Development
Barcelona CREI Macroeconomics Summer School
Barcelona GSE Summer Forum