FRIDAY, June 5, 1998
Are Technology Improvements Contractionary?
Susanto Basu, University of Michigan and NBER (with John Fernald, Federal Reserve Board and Miles Kimball, University of Michigan and NBER)
Discussant: Jordi Galí, New York University
What shifts the Beveridge Curve?
Gianluca Violante, University College London (with Ricardo Lagos, London School of Economics)
Discussant: Giuseppe Bertola, European University Institute
On the Nature of Adjustment Costs for Capital and Labor.
Russell Cooper, Boston University (with John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland).
Discussant: Fabio Canova, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Jobless Growth: Appropriability, Factor Substitution and Unemployment
Ricardo Caballero, MIT (with Mohamad Hammour, Capital Guidance)
Workers, Firms and New Equipment: A Search Model Analysis.
Per Krusell, University of Rochester (with Andreas Hornstein, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and Giovanni Violante, University College London)
Discussant: Pietro Reichlin, Università di Roma
Computing Inequality: Have Computers Changed the Labor Market?
Alan Krueger, Princeton University (with David Autor, Kennedy School at Harvard University and Larry Katz, Harvard University)
Discussant: Samuel Bentolila, CEMFI
SATURDAY June 6, 1998
Coping with Technological Progress: the Role of Ability in Making Inequality so Persistent.
Daniel Tsiddon, Eitan Berglass School of Economics, Tel Aviv University (with Yona Rubinstein).
Discussant: José Vicente Rodríguez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Technology and Jobs.
Stephen Nickell, Oxford University
Discussant: Tryphon Kollintzas, Athens University of Economics
Ability Biased Technological Disequilibrium and Wage Inequality Within and Across Groups
Oded Galor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (with Omer Moav, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Discussant: Costas Azariadis, UCLA