Entrepreneurship, Financial Markets, and Innovation
November 20-22, 2003
Conference jointly organized with the CEPR, through the network "Product Markets, Financial Markets and the Pace on Innovation". The programme was prepared by: Philippe Aghion (Harvard University and University College London), Antonio Ciccone (UPF), Albert Marcet (UPF) and Ramon Marimon (UPF).
The conference was concerned with the relationship between entrepreneurship and financial markets and that between innovation and productivity growth. It dealt with macroeconomic and aggregate aspects of these relationships. It brought together international experts on the field to analyze issues such as firm financing constraints, firm investment, and growth; the effects of financial and tax structures on innovation and entrepreneurship; the dynamics of firm entry and exit in the presence of financing constraints on innovation; intellectual property rights and innovation and the effect of growth on entrepreneurship and financial markets, among others.
Financial support was obtained from the Generalitat de Catalunya.