Jordi Galí has been granted the 2005 Yrjö Jahnsson Award in Economics


Jordi Galí has been granted the 2005 Yrjö Jahnsson Award in Economics. The Yrjö Jahnsson Award in Economics was established in Finland by the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation in 1993. The award is granted every second year to a young economist who has made a contribution in theoretical and applied research that is significant to the study of economics in Europe. Jordi Galí shares the award with Timothy Besley, London School of Economics (LSE). The European Economic Association (EEA) participates in selecting the award winer. The outcome is announced at the biennial congress every odd year. The 2005 congress has taken place in Amsterdam, from August 24 to 27.

The chairman of the committee for the 2005 Award was professor Richard Blundell and the members were professors Salvador Barbera, Elhanan Helpman, Marco Pagano and Rune Stenbacka. According to the committee Jordi Galí has made outstanding contributions to the development of the "New Keynesian " macroeconomics. His research covers important topics, such as business cycles, inflation, exchange rates and the conduct of monetary policy. To each one of these topics he provided original insights. Through a combination of theoretical and empirical analyses he contributed in major ways to a better understanding of the interdependence of European economics in the Euro Area and to the conduct of monetary policy by central banks. These influential studies have established him as a leading scholar of macroeconomics.

The winers of previous editions are: Mathias Dewatripont, Université Libre de Bruxelles; Philippe Aghion, Harvard University; Guido Tabellini, Università Bocconi, Milan; Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, London School of Economics; John Moore, London School of Economics; Torsten Persson, University of Stockholm; Richard Blundell, University College London; Jean-Jacques Laffont, Université de Toulouse; and Jean Tirole, Université de Toulouse.

"Inflación y ciclos económicos: una visión moderna", Expansión 9/11/2005

"Jordi Galí galardonado con el Yrjö Jahnsson Award", La Vanguardia 26/8/2005